Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Week 5

Another week down of waiting. The weeks are really flying! Let's see, what adoption stuff did I do this week?

* Bought a nice blend of a croc/sneaker at W*lmart for $8. I think they will work well for walking and be easy to keep clean. Plus, they are pink, so... You know:) They are happy!

* Picked up more travel/trip stuff at said store. Got a great deal on clearance V-Day shiny pencils (they have hearts on them.) Thought this would be great for the orphanage.

* Finished all 10 required hours of Hauge training.

* Did I tell you I ordered the bunk beds? Can't remember if I told you, but I did. They should arrive some time around Easter.

* Stalked the Breedlove's blog and Jocelyn's blog. Cutie pie babies!

* Decided that rather than trying to explain to non-adoption people what a referral is, that it is much easier to say "I am waiting to be matched with a child." People get that.

* Bought mirrors.

So, I am making some progress on my adoption to-do list. There are some things that I simply cannot do until I have a referral, others that I can't do until I have a court or travel date, but there are still some things I can finish up before then. I forsee a trip to Sam's and then a little rendezvous with some suitcases for a packing "trial run." And I definitly foresee more lists:)


Dawn said...

Both links to the others' blogs are the same. I am LOVING reading about Nathan, but I would like to learn about Pacey.

Farmboy and Buttercup said...

Maybe I should work on getting some things done for our upcoming adoption. Maybe you have inspired me. At this point, I think I worry I might jinx the whole thing if I get too much done. Like jinxes are real....

Anyway, I liked your description about being matched with a child. We get those same vacant stares when we say we are waiting for a referral.

Take care,

graceling said...

Whoops! Fixed the link:)

Farmboy and Buttercup said...

Me again. OK, I got a massage today (so not me actually, but an anniversary gift)... and told the lady we were in the process of adopting. She asked me where we were in the process and I remembered to tell her "we were waiting to get matched with our children". She totally got it.

Thanks again for the idea. So simple, yet I missed it.


graceling said...

Glad to be of help!