Friday, January 18, 2008

Adoption To-Do List

Right now, here is my current to-do list for the adoption:

*Complete Hauge training
*Buy BunkBeds
*Prepare Girls' room
*Buy carseat
*Buy booster seat (or high chair if more appropriate)
*Buy baby stuff (clothes, shoes, diapers?, sippy cups/bottles?)
*Talk to travel agent more
*Finish Travel Shots (Still need typhoid and a second Hep A if traveling after May)
*Prepare information for day care center employees about adoption/attachment/possible delays or medical conditions
*Hand in FMLA paperwork (when received back from Gladney)
*Prepare "donations" letter for day care parents/co-workers
*Prepare and present lesson about Ethiopia to Abigail's class and make "donation baby bottle"
*Buy large duffle bags for travel
*Find travel companion
*Buy travel stuff (miniature tolietries, crocs, snacks, etc.)
*Buy granola bars for street children
*Buy Money Belt? or Fanny Pack? type contraption for securing money and passport
*Finish Excel spreadsheets

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