Friday, July 4, 2008

Mustard Seed Faith

"If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it will obey you." Luke 17:6

Valarie left me a comment reminding me that "God does not respond to our needs and our wants. He responds to our faith." How true. In all of these delays, I have often commented that I am "keeping faith" but I have never really stopped to think about what that means. Have you?

It means that if I pray that no evil force will prevent me from being united with my daughter, and I truly believe in God's ability to thwart any evil plans, then it has been accomplished. It means that if I pray that Sparrow be protected and cradled in the hands of the Almighty and I truly believe that God is her loving Father, then I can know she is resting in his arms. It means that if I pray that that God's perfect timing is the timeline guiding this adoption, and I truly believe that He created time and hold my future, and Sparrow's future, in his hands, then I can stop looking at every clock and every calender, and start looking at the heavenly timeline.

So, maybe this isn't a matter of me praying more, so much as it is a matter of having more faith. I don't want mustard-seed faith, I don't want apple-seed faith, I want mango-seed faith!

"If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." Matthew 21:22


Unknown said...

I learned that praying without ceasing is exhausting if you don't really believe that God can do whatever you ask. When I finally gave up praying, I decided to let go--really let go--of Grace. I decided that she is God's daughter, not mine. He loves her more than me and will care for her as He sees fit. All my praying is useless unless I know (not just hope) that God is able and is real and will do whatever I ask in HIS Son's name.

Dear God, in the name of Jesus Christ, the Perfect One, who died upon the cross so that we may live a full life with You, we know you are able to do abundantly above all our thoughts. We know you will bring this sparrow home to nest with the mother you have chosen for her. We know it will be done as your will commands. Thank you for loving this family.

Stacie said...

That last verse you quoted was something I clung to during our first adoption. It is beautiful and thank you for reminding me of it. Prayers for you and all the other families as always.