Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Medical Update and a Photo

Good news: more medical tests and doctors appointment continue to reassure us that my shortness of breath and chest pain are not from a major heart/lung problem or blood clots. We don't think the symptoms are causing any harm to me or the baby, and the most concerning symptom (low oxygen levels) seems to have resolved!

Bad news: I continue to have intermittent shortness of breath and chest pain, even with minimal exertion. It's sometimes accompanied by lightheadedness, which could mean a low blood pressure or low oxygen level during the episodes. We still don't know what is causing it.

So, we are following up with the doctor tomorrow to see if my bedrest can end and if I can return to work, etc. Today we had an ultrasound that showed a good cervical length (> 3cm) so that is reassuring, too. Go cervix, go! We also saw the Nugget waving at us on the ultrasound. Aww!

Anna has decided that the baby is a boy. She keeps insisting that it's a boy, and will grow up to be a big girl, just like her. She also approves of the names Ryan, Momma, and Daddy for the baby.

Abigail still likes the names Claire and Walter, although Drexel and Daisy came up today. Hmm.

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