Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Week 10

Ah, 10 weeks. Double digits. See that lock in that picture? Imagine that it is the "referral lock." Maybe this week will unlock it? We'll see!

Time has been flying by like Harry on his Firebolt (I heart HP!). This week's highlights:

*More donations from church! Wow! Thanks CCC!
*Put together the toy box for the girl's room. It rocks, and looks so good!
*Bought more stuff for the trip. Abigail has outgrown her crocs from last year, so I picked up some of those, as well as some beading things and markers/coloring books. This week's travel prep will include figuring out how to put one my "Chronicles of Narnia" Books on CD onto my MP3 player for loads of listening pleasure for both Abigail and I on the airplane!
*Received an award.

Okay kids, I better get back to work. Good luck to all the families whose court dates were rescheduled from today to tomorrow. I'll be praying that I can add something to your "Passed Court" column.

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